Youtube celebrities… you’ve probably never heard of ?

PewDiePie (probably the sound of a small child pronouncing the expression “cutie pie”) is a famous (?) video games player, who makes videos of his games, and has a dedicated channel on YouTube. In 2013, he made 4 million dollars just by doing this. He has a contract with a gaming network company. His channel on Youtube is the most subscribed to (he had 31 million subscribers in September 2014).

He met his Italian girlfriend Marzia via YouTube. They both work as vloggers : people who have their own video channels on Youtube, and are able to make money this way.

Can you hear her Italian accent ?

They even make videos together. When they met online, PewDie travelled to Italy and stayed there for 6 months, and then she moved to Sweden with him. Now they live in Brighton, in the UK.

How do I know all this ?

Isn’t that cute ?

Deaf dogs can learn sign language…

… if given proper attention and teaching.

This dog, named Rosie, arrived in a dog shelter earlier this year, as she was about 4 years old. When the volunteers at the shelter discovered the reason why she didn’t interact like a normal dog, they started paying special attention to her and began teaching her basic sign language. And then, she became a happier dog, because she was able to understand what was expected of her.

Rosie was later adopted by a deaf woman, and they are now very happy together.

Source :

Today is Mother’s Day…

… in the USA, in New-Zealand, in Australia and in many other countries (check the list here). In the United Kingdom and in Ireland, Mother’s Day was on March 30th, this year. In France, in Mauritius and in Madagascar, it will be on May 25th…


Happy Mother's Day to all mothers on the planet

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers on the planet


Source :’s_Day