From text to speech

Did you know that you can use apps on your mobile phone or on a website which transform any text you suggest to them into a speech ? Some websites even provide an .mp3 file which you can download. Most of the time, you can change the voice, and the accent as well. It’s not always convincing in a general manner, but at least it gives you a precise rendition of how each word should be pronounced.

I think these may be precious tools to help you improve the quality of your oral expression, and even your listening comprehension.

Here are a few examples :

For trial :

More developed free version : 

Another website :

On this one, you can get an MP3 too :

For your phone (Android…) :

Capture d_écran 2017-03-14 à 15.31.52



Emma Watson’s speech : Launching a campaign for feminism

Emma Watson, who played “Hermione” in the Harry Potter saga, is now a 24-year-old student, model and UN (= United Nations) goodwill ambassador. She is particularly involved in defending women’s rights. She made a speech this week-end, starting a new campaign for feminism, a campaign which focuses on men supporting women and feminism.

She sounded impressed by this responsibility but she nevertheless gathered a warm round of applause.

She has been threatened since by bold anonymous people with the leaking of personal and intimate photos. Exactly one of the problems she has started a fight against.

Keep up the good work, Emma !

The “He For She” Campaign’s website :
