Every music genres on a single map…

This website offers a complete list of music genres, presented as a map, and it allows you to listen to a sound extract every time you click on a keyword. You should try this if you like listening to music, you might discover artists that you appreciate.

a website which offers a map of all sorts of music genres

                                             a website which offers a map of all sorts of music genres

There is also a page on the website which lists genres and artists by year of production, starting in 1950. Overall, quite interesting. ENJOY !

Source : https://www.lesinrocks.com/2014/09/08/musique/every-noise-at-once-musique-page-11523075/

All about cuteness

This website  is a catalogue of cute pictures and videos of (baby) animals. It’s a cute website too. Most animals have a special name for their babies, for example, the baby of a “cat” is called a “kitten”, but some don’t, so their babies are just called “baby (name of the animal)”, as in “baby beaver”. In English, groups of animals can have very specific names (a school of fish, a flock of birds…). Watch this video of a man, with a VERY low voice, who sings a goodnight song to a litter of puppies (“baby dogs”), and they actually get asleep !

Good night ! Sleep tight !

If you want to know more about specific animal names, check this websitehttp://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/animals/Animalbabies.shtml