John Lewis’s Christmas Ad – 2014 Version

Traditionally, on the first week-end after Thanksgiving Americans start shopping for Christmas. In the United Kingdom, this advert for the famous British department store John Lewis was released as soon as November 6th.

Each year, the new John Lewis ad features a slow cover of a famous song, and lovely creatures such as animals, snowmen, children… And it is always a feast for the eye. Enjoy !

Global Be(er) Responsible Day

Another interesting “campaign” has just been started by an American beer-selling company. It points out the responsibility we have to ourselves, and to others, especially to the ones who love us.

This company has been making cute dog videos for a while, this one is from their previous campaign :

The connection with beer feels kind of remote, doesn’t it ?

Source :

Sustainable Development ? Why !?

This week is special because it is dedicated to the promotion of “Sustainable Development”.

Changing our habits in order to protect our environment and its balance is one of the most important goals of sustainable development.

Because, otherwise, our children will suffer the consequences.

What can you do to improve your impact on the environment ?

Do you care about the rainforest ?

This looks like a mockumentary (a parody of documentary) and an ad at the same time. So what is it ? an admockumentary ? a mockadvert ?

Watch it for yourself, and share your opinion in the comments !

PS : Rainforest Alliance has an interesting channel on YouTube. There are lots of other funny videos, like  The Man Behind Your Chocolate :